Sometimes, for really popular events, promoters will divide their tickets into different tiers to encourage fans to book early and to build excitement around an event – here’s how it works.
Tier One might have 50 tickets available that are all priced at £5, and 50 tickets in Tier Two priced at £10. The Tier Two tickets will only be offered after all of the lower-priced Tier One tickets have sold out.
When you go to an event page to buy your tickets, you’ll always be shown the price of the ticket tier available at that moment. But if a lot of people are trying to buy tickets at the same time, a tier may sell out before you finish your transaction, and you’ll see the ticket price for the next tier up when you get to the checkout stage. This is most common with very popular events that have just gone on sale.
Don’t worry, though – you won’t be charged until you’ve seen and agreed to the final purchase price at the checkout, and we’ll never charge you more than the amount shown at that point.